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Frequently Asked Questions

What is podiatry?

Podiatry is the treatment of associated disorders of the foot, ankle and lower leg below but not including the knee. A podiatrist is also known as a foot doctor, however in Australia a doctor of podiatric medicine is not a medical doctor (GP) and does not treat foot disorders with a surgical solution. Students must study a 4 – year undergraduate degree resulting in a Bachelor of Podiatry degree to practice as a podiatrist in the division of allied health in Australia.

Why do people visit a podiatrist?

Patients are referred to podiatrists for a number of foot and ankle ailments and abnormalities ranging from fungal toenails to flat feet and heel and foot pain. A podiatrist will be able to treat a wide range of disorders without taking a surgical approach.

What are some of the common problems treated by podiatrists?

Podiatrists treat a wide range of problems relating to the foot, ankle and lower leg up to but not including the knee.

Some common injuries and problems treated by podiatrists include foot and ankle sprains, stress fractures, blisters, bunions, corns, cracked heels, arch problems, fungal problems, ingrown toenails, joint and arthritis pain and plantar warts.

Do I need a doctor's referral to see a podiatrist?

In Australia, referrals to a podiatrist are only required for patients under the Department of Veteran’s Affairs or the Medicare Enhanced Primary Care Program. All other patients do not require a referral and can freely make an appointment.

What kinds of problems do people see podiatrists for?

Podiatrists treat a wide range of people including infants, children, middle-aged people, athletes, women with foot problems and foot pain resulting from high heels and poor fitting shoes and patients with other health problems that have outcomes in foot problems. These include overweight and obese patients and people living with diabetes.

Can people visit a podiatrist to get fitted for the right type of footwear?

Some patients visit a podiatrist for footwear advice. Podiatrists can recommend footwear for infants and young children through to elderly people and patients recovering from injury. In addition, podiatrists recommend appropriate orthotic inserts – some of which are avaialble over-the-counter and other orthotic devices are custom-made to assist in the treatment of a particular foot problem.

Can a podiatrist also treat back pain?

Some podiatrists are able to relieve lower back pain in their patients by fitting them with the appropriate orthotics which can correct a person’s biomechanical gait (stride).